There is no God but Thee; the help in peril, the Self-Subsisting. |
Hello, potential beneficiary of "the Walter touch"!
- Choosing a Web Designer - 19 questions (and 19 good and bad answers) to help you find a designer/developer with a clue
- My Résumé
- My personal and departmental pages at SLAC. (If/when the personal pages go away, I've archived their contents here.)
- Sample idoc pages (the real system, idoc.slac.stanford.edu, is behind a firewall). Note that the idoc pages are fixed width (I was outvoted).
If you resize your browser window (e.g., zoom/unzoom), you will notice that the title graphic appears to stretch and shrink to fit. This is a "table trick" I came up with. The bottom navigation panel is stretchy as well.
- navmenu
Powers the pop-up navigation menus in the navigation panel at the bottom of my pages.
These menus are used for both vertical (you-are-here) and horizontal (see-also) navigation.
- keymail
Spambot-thwarting feedback form.
- comm
Combines a relational database implemented as XML data files and an HTML template to display a Communicate page tailored to the calling page (both content and style). This dynamically-generated page in turn contains a customized link to my keymail script.
- note
Combines XML data files and an HTML template to save having to create new Web pages for little notes.
- pageinfo
Combines an XML data file and an HTML template to display meta-data about a Web page.
- fw
Links to images via POST, to save bandwidth.
Example: Picture Gallery, View Image buttons.
- choosemap
Picks one of three kinds of site map (text, table, MCF).
- css
Picks an appropriate CSS stylesheet; called via server-side include.
- count
Multiuser-safe page access counter; called via server-side include.
Example: see page info for this page, Statistics section.
- quote
Pseudo-random quote displayer; called via server-side include.
Example: see top of this page. Reload a few times to see the text change.
All my scripts are written in Perl, so that they will work in every Web browser, every time.
415 929-9778
(page info)
natural-innovations.com (c) 1995-2012 Walter Ian Kaye