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Divine Love always has met, and always will meet, every human need.
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Walter Ian Kaye

This is me, in April 2001. I shaved off the beard for good in 2003 after a bunch of my chin hairs turned white.

What Drives Me

Food, music, creativity, Macintosh, TV, supportiveness...

Turning Points



San Francisco, California, USA.
Previously NYC, Philly, Bayonne, Glen Cove, Phoenix, Mountain View, and Menlo Park.

Recent Projects


What you see, plus behind-the-scenes stuff.


Wrote semi-automatic spam filter for myself.


Updated some AppleScript programs for OS X.


Pumpkin muffins (100% whole wheat), vegan yellow rice (I make it with almond oil).


Wrote guitar arrangement for the theme from Ice Castles (from 1978); posted tablature for it (May 2002). Transcribed and learned electric piano part for "Dancing in the Moonlight" (from 1973) (June 2002).


Wooden printer stand (10x17.5x6"), wooden countertop for kitchen (18x48")

Current Projects


Updating site (page headers/footers, pageinfo.xml, site map, site index).
Writing guestbook, text file manager.




Herb seasoning (UnVeGetable Herb Olé Gold), bread recipes, and trying to find a way to make nut milk whippable.




Designing cabinetry for my kitchen.


Tutoring for Macintosh and Internet.
Developing UnVeGetable seasonings, file folder holder, PDA holder, consumer electronic traffic routers, invoice form, etc.

Future Projects


Message board (nibb), KnowledgeBase, virtual file library, Directory with auto submission of URLs, etc.


Update spam filter to have a test mode (show what would happen if run normally) and a fully-automatic (real-time) version.


Transfer email from 6100 to TiBook, after first getting a decent USB keyboard for it. Transfer Web development from 6100 to TiBook.


Muffins, pizza, bread, cookies, pies, cakes, pastries...


Learn "Toreador" song.


Build keyboard riser for TiBook. Design a line of shirts for skinny basses like me.


Design and sell food products and other products, run Web services.

Who I'm Not

I am neither the NY in-surance age-nt, nor the Clint-on con-tributor. (Words munged to prevent false positives.)

Local Links

Remote Links


Friends, Romans, and Countrymen...

...and erstwhile coworkers and classmates, friends of friends, etc.

A.D. people

Met through Mom

E-B.K. people

Met through Elena

SLAC people

Met at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

A.C.T. people

Met at Studio A.C.T.

GEnie people

GEnie was the General Electric Network for Information Exchange; it was a national online service originally owned by GE and operated by their [former] GEIS subsidiary, and in its final days was sold to "Yovelle Renaissance Corp." (a sort of "front group" for IDT) where it quickly degraded, despite an attempt to "webify" it, on its way to a Y2K demise on December 31, 1999.
Some more info found on a torg list.
My own screen names were W.KAYE1 (1988-1993) and BOODLUMS (1994-1999).

AOL people

Met on America Online
My own screen names were Boodlums (host of Monty Python's FC), Mastr BOO (host of Best Lil ChatHouse), AFC Boo (Mac Utilities Forum consultant), Booooooo, Tpokh Qul, and a few others.

Delphi people

Met on Delphi
My own screen name was BOODLUMS.

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