BinHex Info   Viewing Notes

PC BinHex

PC BinHex 1.3 -- 1992-1993
This DOS program was written by the Distributed Computing Services department of the University of Minnesota and placed in the public domain.

This Utility encodes binary files into a plain text format and decodes the resulting files into their original state. This program is compatible with the Macintosh version of BINHEX and with POPMail(tm) [ftp_dir] (the DOS counterpart to POPMail is Minuet [ftp_dir]).
For further information, see the following issues of the Computer & Information Services Newsletter:

[gopher] March 1993 issue, article: E-mail Enclosures, Part 1
[gopher] April 1993 issue, article: E-mail Attachments Part 2 - Using Pine
[gopher] January 1994 issue, article: Sending Files Micros & Pine (#3 in series)


PC BinHex Functions:

F1: Access online help.

F2: Bin2Hex - Converts a Binary File to a BinHex encoded File.

F3: Hex2Bin - Converts a BinHex encoded File to a Binary File.

Alt-X: Exit the program.


Unencoding the BinHexed Text

After starting PC BinHex, click on the

button or press the F3 key. You will be presented with a dialog box that allows you to find and select the file you want to unencode:

(getfile dialog)

To select a file, simply click on the name of the file, and then click on the "Open" button.
To switch drives, enter <drive:> in the filename box, as shown above.

Once you click on the Open button, the BinHexed text file is converted back to the original file it represents. The unencoded file is saved in the same subdirectory where the PC BinHex program is stored.


Encoding (BinHexing) a File

Should you need to manually encode a file yourself, the BinHex program has options for encoding a file as a BinHexed text file.

The program will automatically append

to the name of the file you select to be BinHexed. For example, if you select a file called "TEST", the BinHexed version of the file will be called "TEST.HQX".

To BinHex a file with PC BinHex, click on the

button or press the F2 key.

You will be presented with a dialog box that allows you to find and select the file you want to encode.


Windows File Manager

You can also drag and drop an .HQX file onto binhex.exe, and the decoded file will be placed into the subdirectory where the PC BinHex program is stored.

A better solution is StuffIt Expander.



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Last Modified 2 Feb 1999