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Mountain View Bahá'í Calendar

Mountain View, California

August 1996

Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.
Community Fireside at the Milani's, 7:30pm<td><I>3</I>
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Anne Frank Exhibit Meeting, 7:30pm at the vanDuyne's<BR>Come one and all to help<td><I>7</I><td><I>8</I><td><I>9</I><td><I>10</I>
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Anne Frank Exhibit Meeting, 7:30pm at the vanDuyne's<BR>Come one and all to help<td><I>14</I><td><I>15</I><td><I>16</I><BR>
Dinner for the homeless. Call Fariba if you can help<P>Camping trip to Bodega Bay. Call Amy for reservation & info 415 964-7879<td><I>17</I><BR>
Camping trip to Bodega Bay. Call Amy for reservation & info 415 964-7879
<tr valign=top>
Camping trip to Bodega Bay. Call Amy for reservation & info 415 964-7879<td><I>19</I><td><I>20</I><BR>
Anne Frank Exhibit Meeting, 7:30pm at the vanDuyne's<BR>Come one and all to help<td><I>21</I><td><I>22</I><td><I>23</I><td><I>24</I>
<tr valign=top>
Anne Frank Exhibit Meeting, 7:30pm at the vanDuyne's<BR>Come one and all to help<td><I>28</I><td><I>29</I><td><I>30</I><BR>
Fireside at the Milani's<td><I>31</I>



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(wik, August 9, 1996) 10769 visits since 96.06.05