Starnine Technologies, Inc.

StarNine Technical Notes

CGI Parameters for WebSTAR on MacOS

This is a description of the 'sdoc' AppleEvent sent by WebSTAR to external CGI applications.

Event Class: WWW½ -- 3 'W's, followed by an Omega (option-z)
Event Code: sdoc

Path Args----1024arguments following the "$" in a URL. This keyword is also the direct parameter of the AppleEvent (keyDirectObject)
Search Argskfor1024arguments following a "?" in a URL.
Usernameuser32Username if authentication was required
Passwordpass32Password if authentication was required
From Userfrmu128E-mail address of user (obsolete)
Client Addressaddr256Domain name of client (or IP address if DNS look-ups are disabled)
Server Addresssvnm256Domain name of server (or IP address if DNS look-ups are disabled)
Server IP Portsvpt16TCP/IP port server is listening on
Script Namescnm1024The path of the CGI being executed. In the case of Actions, this parameter contains the file path portion of the URL
Content Typectyp64MIME type of post arguments if present
Referrerrefr1024URL of the page from which this CGI was referenced
User AgentAgnt256The WWW client software name and version
ActionKact32The action being performed by the CGI, either the name of the user defined action or one of the strings: CGI, ACGI, PREPROCESSOR, POSTPROCESSOR, ERROR, INDEX, or NOACCESS.
Action PathKapt1024path to this CGI if it is executing as an action (in which case, the script name parameter contains the URL file path sent from the client)
Post Argumentspost32,768arguments sent from WWW client as part of a POST request (e.g., form arguments)
Methodmeth32the HTTP method being requested (e.g., GET, GET_CONDITIONAL, POST, etc.)
Client IP AddressKcip32the TCP/IP address of the client
Full RequestKfrq4096the complete, unmodified HTTP request as received from the client
Connection IDKcid4a unique long integer value identifying the TCP/IP connection the server is communicating to the client over. Used for sending the "Send Partial" AppleEvent to WebSTAR.
Server RootDIRE70an FSSpec pointing to the root folder of the current virtual host, or to the WebSTAR root folder if no virtual host is used for this URL.

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